About Us

SPINZ is in the business of assisting laundropreneurs to increase efficiency, cut resources wastage and reap super neat ROI from the moment they hit Start. We aspire to do that by helping laundropreneurs to smoothly migrate or change the laundry floor modus operandi - from traditional, cumbersome labor-manual operations to a highly efficient, ultra-modern laundry floor where daily business grind is tech-assisted, devoid of human error, time and resources saving with exciting App and Cloud-based remote monitoring 24/7.

At SPINZ, we understand that the crux of the commercial laundry business lies in investing in the right laundry assets. Once this is taken care of, the running of the business could and should be quite a cruise-control journey. That’s what we do – our tenacity in removing this pain-point for new and existing laundropreneurs over the past decade had shaped us into a current market leader in the industry of this region. That explains why we had invested extensively in our R&D; perfecting our engineering craft over the past decade to deliver to our B2B customers nothing but reliable solutions to unsupervised commercial laundry operations 24/7. SPINZ range of Laundromat Equipment bears the stamp of cutting-edge innovation of IoT and smart connectivity for ultra-ease in use for daily commercial laundry operations that ensures business longevity and continuous revenue.

Hence, we don’t mince our words when we say that our range of products are really asset class of the Laundromat 4.0 as we ride high as the industry market leader in the age of Industrial Revolution 4.0 now and beyond.